A Misssouri firm was indicted recently for selling USCIS forms that are available for free online to unsuspecting customers. The company would charge the customer the amount of the USCIS filing fee to send them the forms. Oftentimes, the customer would then send his or her application in to USCIS thinking that the filing fee was already paid. This is such a shame. And how ridiculous? The business owners did not think that word of mouth would come back to haunt them and or that they would not be charged with fraud? Unfortunately, I guess that is the classic criminal/sociopath mindset. USCIS forms are available for free at the USCIS website.
Please take care when seeking help for your immigration case. Beware of notarios, form filling services, and immigration scams. And, although your friends and relatives may be well-meaning because they’ve been through the process and want to offer advice, each case is different. Contact an immigration attorney or a community organization under the guidance of an immigration attorney to at least consult with them before filing your case.